odonata wings and other body parts are painted in order to know what the relation between wing spots and coloration is in relation to their capacity to regulate their body temperature…results might infer aspects related to climate resilient. Photographs: Laura Pulido in company with Laura Pulido Ríos, Cornelio Bota-Sierra, Melissa Sánchez and Alex Córdoba-Aguilar.

Odonata’s intestines are examined to search parasites to gauge their impact on their health. Additionally, level of intestine damage because of these internal protozoa has been seen. Photographs: Valentina Vargas in company with Alex Cordoba-Aguilar.

Wild dragonflies introduced into wetlands in Bogotá. A field guide.Habits, reproduction, distribution, Biology and other aspects from over a dozen species associated with 25 capital wetlands. Illustration: Paola Camacho.in company with Juan Caicedo, Angela Montoya, Leonardo Rache y Catalina Suarez.

Odonata larval development across the savannahs of Bogotá, morpholocial variations ant their relation to amount of food. Photograph: Leonardo Rache. Leonardo Rache in company with Roberto Munguía and Diego Palacino.

Is there a relation between the environmental pollution and odonata parasitic load that inhabit them? Do individuals’ health have optimal conditions in contaminated ecosystems? Apparently, more contaminated ecosystems have a negative effect on odonata’s health, especially females’ health. These and other findings in our research will be published. Photopraph: Cornelio Bota-Sierra.

Modeling of ecological niches in species of a genus apparently little threatened. What would be its distribution in 20 years? What would be the most favorable or unfavorable conditions? Erythemis, genus whose seem to suffer no putting up with environmental changes, is it possible or not?. In company with Mariano Altamiranda and Alex Córdoba.

Is the wing shape variations in Erythrodiplax genus systematic evidence to help separate species in a complex group and with striking interspecific convergences and intraspecific divergences? Will geometric morphometric generate the information to support or to refute what other body character groups indicate? Photograph: Alejandra Álvarez. In company with Alejandra Alvarez-Covelli y Melissa Sánchez.

Modeling of ecological niches or convex polygons, two different methods that are compared to know which one of them shows the most reliable information and from there, assess the conservation status of species of the genus Argia in México. In company with Laura Kassandra Rangel, Angela Nava Bolaños, Kelly Johanna Ríos and Alex Córdoba-Aguilar.

What is the diversity of coleopteran in coffee plantations? What do coffee cultivation factors regulate coleoptera distribution?. In company with Liliana Garrido y Alexander Sabogal.

What is online published for colombian insects? an study about of publications online in diversity of insects from colombia.

increase of tmeperature and their effects on odonata color morphs.
aspects about chagas and their vectors. image of: http://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/en-cartagena-no-hay-casos-de-chagas-directora-del-dadis-258256

CONTaCT uS: odonata17@hotmail.com