Odonata evolutionary ecology allows us to explore innumerable number of hypotheses through different tools. I am researching in Argia reproductive behavior and color ontogenic changes. Kelly has a scolarship and her work is financed and developed by Laboratorio de Ecología Conductual y Evolutiva de Odonatos with Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez-Guillén at Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INECOL, México). Image: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argia_extranea

My thesis is focused in Argia hibridization and color ontogenic changes. Laura has a scolarship and her work is financed and developed by Laboratorio de Ecología Conductual y Evolutiva de Odonatos with Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez-Guillén at Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INECOL, México). Image: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argia_extranea

My thesis is focused in the effects of the pollution on development of macroinvertebrates. Alejandra has a scolarship and her work is financed and developed by Laboratorio de Ecología Conductual y Evolutiva de Odonatos with Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez-Guillén at Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INECOL, México). Image: Fredy Palacino-Rodríguez, Leonardo Rache-Rodríguez, Diego Andrés Palacino, Adolfo Cordero-Rivera, Larval development and foraging behavior of Erythrodiplax abjecta (Rambur) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) in captivity, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 1030-1040, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2020.08.014

Contact us: odonata17@hotmail.com